I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14
Our bodies were designed and purposefully created by God to have observable signs of fertility. They are visible signs that you are healthy!
These observable signs are: cervical fluid, basal body temperature, changes of the cervix, and a range of emotional and hormonal changes.
You can learn how to identify and track these observable signs to achieve optimal fertility results. This is not presented as a "natural birth control" but rather, an opportunity for you and your spouse to become co-creators with God and to grow closer as a couple through this process.
If the Church is against artificial contraceptives, surely it just wants couples to have as many children as physically possible then, with no regard for health, safety, finances, etc! Actually, that is not the case. The Church teaches that couple's must practice responsible parenthood. In Humanae Vitae, a short encyclical written by Pope Paul VI, he states:
"With regard to physical, economic, psychological and social conditions, responsible parenthood is exercised by those who prudently and generously decide to have more children, and by those who, for serious reasons and with due respect to moral precepts, decide not to have additional children for either a certain or an indefinite period of time.” (HV, #10)
Marriage is not only a civil union between a man and a woman, it is also a sacrament. "A sacrament is a concrete expression of Christ in the world.” This means that the love shared between married couples is a public expression of Christ's love. His love for us is both generous and eternal, just like the love a couple shares in marriage. Sex is a gift from God, a special way to express a love so profound that it needs a physical outlet. Natural family planning works with, celebrates, and respects our bodies and God's gift to our marriages. The benefits of using NFP extend beyond child spacing – there are spiritual, relational, and health benefits that couples will be able to enjoy as well.
When the Pill first came out it was revolutionary. Never before had women felt so in control of their reproductive potential. We all know what happened after that. Everything from the makeup of the workforce to the divorce rate began to change. Since then, each new variation of contraception has been accepted without question. Not anymore! More and more women are ditching hormonal contraceptives. No longer content with side effects, men and women are looking for a better way to take control of their fertility. Not only is contraception being prescribed for family-planning purposes, but increasingly for non-contraceptive purposes as well. Is it worth it? Mary Claire Lacrue, from Verily Magazine doesn't think so.
A couple years ago, her doctor prescribed the pill to treat her adult acne. She says,
“It wasn’t until a while later that I began to question my treatment. A friend shared how fertility awareness methods had helped her understand and treat her reproductive and hormonal health. Her alternative to popping a pill intrigued me, so I took her advice and began researching.”
What she found surprised her. She came to the conclusion that while the Pill and other artificial contraceptives are widely prescribed, it is rarely the best health care option.
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